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Slumber Party!

It is surely a moment Arino regrets, an offhand comment about a 24 hour challenge which would have been laughed off by the staff of any other show. But this is Game Center CX we're talking about, and so it actually came to be that Arino challenged Lemmings for a 24 hour live challenge.

This compilation focuses on the non-challenge segments of the broadcast that were mostly shown when Arino was taking a break and the staff were hard at work. There were a ton of segments used to fill the time including a special sleepover, an even more special TamaGe, Arino being quizzed by Kibe, more cooking time with Abe and the greatest wrestling bout the world has ever seen.

For an episode more focused on the challenge itself please watch the season 11 episode, 24 Hour Lemmings Challenge Documentary.

  • Translated by: zari-gani